Filled pasta typical of Ogliastra region, but prepared all around Sardinia. The dough is obtained by mixing together durum wheat flour and eggs, while the filling by mixing potatoes and cheese. Each culurjone is then closed by expert hands, in a spike wheat shape. Culurjones are traditionally cooked in a structured ragout, with a simple tomato sauce or with sage and butter.
Made by mixing durum wheat flour with water. The dough is styled in fine
threads like hair, overlapped in 3 layers almost like a gauze. Once dried, the
gauze is broken into smaller pieces and cooked in the characteristic sheep
broth and cheese, typical of Nuoro area.
Similar to couscous made of tiny irregular spheres, this pasta is
obtained by rubbing together durum wheat semolina with water and eggs in a
terracotta recipient (sa scivedda).
Can be served in a broth or dry. Often cooked in tomato sauce or with clams.
The making processes of this pasta requires excellent
handicraft. Lorighittas are firstly shaped into spaghettis, then twisted like
ropes and closed to form a ring. Typical from Morgongiori, a small town in the
Oristano province. They used to be prepared exclusively for the All Saints bank
holiday, but nowadays people have them all year round.
Also known as Sardinian gnocchetti,
are made by mixing durum wheat semolina and flour. Popular all over the Island,
they are originally from Campidano area, where are served with a ragout
composed with tomato sauce, fresh sausages, pecorino cheese and saffron.