

Characteristic bread of Campidano, but known in every village of Sardinia. Very famous are the ones made in Sanluri, town in the middle of the Campidano flat. Shaped in a squished ball, Civraxiu is made with durum wheat semolina.

This bread has a particular shape, styled with scissors and traditionally made only for bank holidays or weddings, but nowadays is eaten daily. Made from durum wheat semolina.

Pane Carasau

Definitely the most famous Sardinian bread. The production process is very long and requires many rising and cooking stages, starting with a dough of durum wheat semolina. The final result is a thin a crispy bread, often used to prepare other traditional dishes.

Ogliastra bread, requires like Carasau long rising hours and it is made with durum wheat semolina. As crispy as Carasau, but thicker. Sometimes is soften in water before being served.

Rounded flatbread obtained from durum wheat semolina. It’s full of flavours and has a golden crispy surface, which has been moisten before cooking.